Spirituality, New Age & Alternative Beliefs - Last updated 26 Jul 2024

There are 1 active products in the Spirituality, New Age & Alternative Beliefs category.

There are 1 active products in the Spirituality, New Age & Alternative Beliefs category.
Subcategory No Of Products No Of Recurring Products Av. Gravity Av. Earnings Av. Rebill Top Product Gravity Earn
Spirituality, New Age & Alternative Beliefs 1 0 1.9200 $36.2800 GENIUSBR 501.1873 $41.75
Astrology 0 0 THOUGHTOP 115.0264 $22.00
General 1 0 1.9200 $36.2800 GENIUSBR 501.1873 $41.75
Hypnosis 0 0 TOTALMON 2.7576 $2074.17
Magic 0 0 CCLOVESPEL 5.2406 $18.84
Numerology 0 0 NUMEROLOGY 116.8064 $8.90
Paranormal 0 0 WEALLWIN1 0.0000 $0.00
Psychics 0 0 SOULMATESK 90.7010 $17.23
Religion 0 0 JESRESP 15.7663 $259.60
Tarot 0 0 LOVEREAD 20.3842 $38.98
Witchcraft 0 0 SIMSPELLS 5.5844 $8.25
 No Of Products Per Subcategory
 No Of Recurring Products Per Subcategory
 Average Earnings ($) Per Subcategory